Sunday 1 October 2017

Kyoto: Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine and Senbon Torii (31 Aug 2017)

This is the Head Shrine of the approximately 30,000 Inari Shrines throughout Japan. The Senbon Torii line the path to give it a tunnel-like approach. Since the Edo period, it has been a custom at this shrine to make Torii offerings as expressions of thankfulness and prayer.  They are coloured vermillion as this colour is believed to ward off evil and disaster.  The Torii typically last 20 years and need to be constantly replaced and reinforced.  On average, around 3 torii are said to be replaced every day.

How to go from Kyoto Station:
Take JR Nara Line to Inari Station
Take Keihan Line to Fushimi Inari Station

Admission: Free

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