Sunday 30 June 2019

HOKKAIDO: DAY 2 (6 Jun 2019) - Lake Toya + Siro Observatory + Takahashi Farm / Milk Kobo + Misawa-san's Shibazakura + Cape Kamui + Cape Shimamui + Otaru Canal

Lake Toya + Siro Observatory

From the room at The Lake View Toya Nonokaze Resort, you can catch awesome views of Lake Toya, a volcanic caldera lake:

Lake Hill Farm on the way to Niseko:

Siro Observatory (map code 321 726 758) & Wisteria Flowers (Fuji-no-hana)

Takahashi Farm + Milk Kobo @ Niseko (MC 398 321 073)

Mishima-san's Shibazakura (Pink Moss) @ Kutchan
One of the top 3 places in Hokkaido to visit for Pink Moss.  Missed the full bloom around mid-May but still a spectacular view of Shibazakura with Mt Yotei as the backdrop. It is a private garden of Mishima-san who has kindly opened up his garden for public viewing.

Shakotan: Cape Kamui (MC 932 553 879)

Fog started moving in shortly after we reached the top.  It would have taken another 20 min to walk to the tip but fog was very heavy so we turned back.

Shakotan: Cape Shimamui (MC 932 747 229)


Otaru Canal 

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